Thursday, May 7, 2009

Are you a Career Dieter?

Are you a career dieter?

Is your life a series of failed attempts at weight loss?

Have you actually found what you thought was ‘the plan’ to finally get the weight off and get thin again, only to gain all of the losses back and then some?

Does it seem that nothing will ever work and you are doomed to be fat forever, but you still keep trying with the hope that the next plan will actually work?

Well, guess what? You are a career dieter. You are looking for the next best thing that will magically get all the excess weight off and once it is gone will stay gone no matter what you do or don’t do.

Sorry to tell you this, but that is NOT how it works…You can’t lose weight and then maintain those losses without making changes not only during the course of the reduction phase, but FOREVER!!! (Or as long as you want to stay thin.)

Healthy habits formed over time must trump your old ways or your old body will return. And the sooner you realize this, the sooner you will be on the right track to permanent fat loss! (Well, that and a good nutrition and exercise plan like Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle) Who wants to constantly be on a ‘diet’? I know I don’t and ever since I changed my eating and exercise habits, I know I will never have to ‘diet’ again.

I used a weight loss program to lose the weight, but I also used that plan to develop new healthier habits and learn what I needed to do to not only lose fat, but make sure it didn’t come back! I learned what I needed to do and then I did it…and I kept on doing it…and I STILL am doing it and I PLAN on doing it for as long as I live! And if that means I never eat another donut or regular pizza again, well, no problem! I enjoy healthier choices now that I like and my body likes too!

Depending on my current goals, I do restrict certain foods occasionally, but nothing is completely off limits anymore. Some sacrifices had to be made. I have learned to live without certain foods, but that is MY CHOICE. I have learned what works for me and what doesn’t. And truth be told, some of my old favorites just don’t ‘do it’ for me anymore. The fallout from 5 minutes of ‘pleasure’ just isn’t worth it to me. I like being thinner…I am not interested in weighing over 300 pounds again.

Successful fat shredders and lifetime maintainers have a few things in common….they actually realized that they had to make changes in the way they eat and exercise and then DID IT! And keep doing it...everyday….

Attitude adjustment is the FIRST step to a healthier body! Healthy thoughts will take you a long way in transforming your body to what you want it to be, but you MUST change to reap (and keep) the rewards! Without making these changes, you will just be a career dieter. And THAT is no way to live.

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